Happy Tuesday & Happy 100th Day of School!

Well…..almost 100th day of school here in MN. Our school district celebrates on February 13th. For those of you who live in states that started school much earlier than we did, I think your 100th day has come and gone and I missed it! I apologize!

BUT – don’t worry you’ll have this week’s video and *new* original chant/song by moi for next year!

I had a lot of fun making up this chant and a ton of fun making the video. I’ve got some graphics involved to help the kiddos with their counting. We count by 10s, then a little bit by 2s and a little bit by 5s.

Ready to check it out? Just click below:

Wanna teach it to the kids and sing along with me? Excellent! Here are the lyrics:


by Nina Stone/Miss Nina – Copyright 2020 – All Rights Reserved

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
100 days of school!
2, 4, 6, 8 – what do we appreciate?
The 100th Day of School!
5 10 15 20 – might be cold, might be sunny
On the 100th Day of School.
Some days went fast, some days went sloooooow.
Only 80 more to go….
It’s the 100th day of School!

Want to see more numbers and counting videos or some of my most popular videos? You can find links to a whole slew of them at the bottom of this post – just scroll down!

NOTE:**In case you’ve missed some of the previous emails, just a note to tell you that in a big effort to expand my YouTube presence so that I may reach and serve even more kids, parents, educators and librarian – I’m linking directly to my video on Youtube in my weekly email. The more I (or anyone!) links to my video and/or clicks the link directly to the YouTube page in the first 24 hours that the video is live, the better it rates in all of Youtube and Googles analytics, etc. and that helps my videos to be promoted more and subsequently found more.**

So – wanna help me out? Well, here’s how: If you like this week’s video and song and know people who might find it fun and/or helpful, would you please share it? Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/yIVQ3dVO9LM

And if you’re more of one who tweets, click this to share directly to Twitter: https://ctt.ac/df80p

Wishing you a wonderful week! Oh! And if you use this song/chant in your 100 Days Of School celebration, would you send me a little video or photo or something of it? I’d love to see it! You can reach me via email at nina@mymissnina.com or over on my Facebook Page or on Instagram. 

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Miss Nina


Miss Nina |  Five Green & Speckled Frogs:

Miss Nina | 5 Little Monkeys Swinging In A Tree

Miss Nina | 5 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed

Miss Nina | 5 Little Snowmen

Miss Nina | 10 Little Horses

Miss Nina | Brown Bear Rap (based on Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?)

Miss Nina | The Mitten – Based on The Mitten by Jan Brett

Miss Nina | Baby Bumblebee

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