Let’s celebrate winter (may as well – it’s here to stay for a bit! 😉 ) with a fun rhyme and finger play.

At first I thought this one had too many motions. But with each group I taught last week, I saw that the amount of movements in it held their attention and challenged them to learn it.

I was so impressed by my Friday class, I asked a couple of my friends, Scarlett and Teddy, to be a part of this week’s video!

Join us for this fun rhyme. I’ll post the words here an you can learn the moves with the video. Enjoy!

A Chubby Little Snowman
Had a carrot nose.
Along came a bunny,
and what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny
looking or his lunch
ate the snowman’s nose
with a munch, munch, crunch!

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