In honor of the upcoming July 4th holiday, I’ve opted for a patriotic sing-along this week.

This song has four verses, but today we’re just singing the first verse, twice.

It’s the most well known one, and paints a beautiful picture of our scenic country.

There’s definitely A LOT going on in the USA these days, and you may or may not be feeling patriotic. But after taking a trip out West a couple of weeks ago, I feel so proud of the beauty of the USA. Our scenery is as diverse as our people and I find both so incredibly gorgeous.  So that’s why I felt “America, The Beautiful” was the perfect song for this week.

I”ve got the lyrics in the video and I”ll post them here as well.

Enjoy the video and I wish you a wonderful week and, if you’re in the United States – happy 4th of July!

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brother/sisterhood
From sea to shining sea!


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