A blast from the past this week!  With preparation for a few local gigs this week, my time has been limited and I did not get to make a new video.  So here’s a rerun from almost exactly two years ago.

I remember making this one well.  I was eight weeks pregnant and wondering if anyone could tell.  !!! The answer to that is clearly “no”. (I’d do just about anything if I could get back to my eight-weeks-pregnant look again! 🙂 )

All that aside – I remembered this video today while teaching a class the other version of this song “I’m A Little Fish”.  Both versions are in the video – the classic and the summertime one.

I recall doing this song over and over again when I learned it at preschool.  I simply adored it.  I hope your kids do, too!

Enjoy this week’s “encore” and I’ll see you next week with another video!


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