Hi Nina,

How are you today?

To be honest, my emotional state has been a bit of a roller coaster of late and I find myself thinking about and saying the Serenity Prayer often. If you’re not familiar with it it’s the one that goes:

Grant me the Serenityto Accept the things I cannot changeCourage to change the things I canand the Wisdom to know the difference.

There’s a lot I “cannot change” right now and I find when I think about those things, I get into a pretty dark place.

So, I try as often as possible to focus on the things I can change and control – which tend to be, um, just me. LOL!

But really, the only thing I really have any control over are the thoughts I think, and my attitude, how much sleep I get (mostly that’s my choice with the exception of Piper’s middle-of-the-night wake ups), what I eat, etc. and to some degree – my Mood.

Listening to music, dancing, working out, going for walks – these things greatly improve and alter my mood and certainly help me feel better – even if it’s just for a little while.

So, this week that whole idea has informed what I’m offering. I have a few ways that I’m focusing on happiness and positivity this week and wanted to share them with you.



Our new session of Tunes & Tales started this week and we are focusing on the story Layla’s Happiness by

Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie.

We’ll be singing and moving along to songs about happiness, things we like and songs that have positive messages.

We meet at 10 am Central / 11 am Eastern via Zoom and tomorrow, Wednesday May 13th, is Bring-A-Friend Wednesday.

**YOU’RE INVITED to join us for FREE on Wednesday to try TUNES & TALES music and movement and see if you might like to join us for the month – EMAIL ME FOR ZOOM DETAILS.**

So, that’s one way we can find some joy in the present moment together. The other is this week’s video

It’s repetitive (which our little ones love), simple to learn and sing-along to, and has a fun melody to get up and move along to – and lift those spirits!

I think it’s very important to teach our children to have and accept all of their feelings – and I don’t intend for this to be a tool to try and push reality or our feelings away and just “get happy”.

But I do believe it’s important to learn the skill of how to cheer ourselves up, look for the light in darkness, and find a positive focus. It’s a skill that can be developed – and I think and important one. And it can be cultivated with music and movement!

If you know anyone else who might enjoy this video to use with their preschool classes or in their daily life at home – please share it! In email, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – wherever!

The link to share is: https://youtu.be/a6JIYKwY1OY

And then, of course, It’s Tuesday so that means that later today I’ll be on Facebook and YouTube at 3:30 CDT for my Live Stream Sing-Along!

You can join us right on my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/MyMissNina or on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/MissNinasWeeklyVideoShow


I hope you and the little ones in your life have some fun with this week’s video, and it would be wonderful to see in Tunes & Tales tomorrow for a free trial! Please email me for details. And I can’t wait to see you later today on Facebook & Youtube!


Miss Nina

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