Good morning Nina,

Okay – I’m running a wee behind schedule today… but better late than never!

This week’s new Miss Nina Weekly Video is now up on Youtube and you can CLICK HERE to see it!

This is a music video for my song, Wild Things, off of my 2013 album Sha Doo Be Doop.

It’s a super high energy fun song to move along to! An ode to Maurice Sendak’s Where The Wild Things Are, we roar our “terrible roars, gnash our terrible teeth, roll our terrible eyes and show our terrible claws” And we jump like crazy at the end, too! (Or the whole time – it’s that kind of song!)

The guitar on the recording is fierce and is Kevin Salem, who is an incredible musician and producer, and who produced this album.

Come check it out! And feel free to share, share, share this video! Just copy and paste this line anywhere You’d like to:

And of course I hope you’ll also join us this week –

once again I am offering daily online sing-alongs on my Facebook Page and my YouTube channel at 11:30 am EST / 10:30 am CST /8:30 am PST.

This week week our theme is Transportation (with a dash of Dr. Seuss)  and we will be focusing on the concepts of Fast & Slow

The direct link for my facebook page is:

And the direct link for my YouTube Channel is:

I’ve compiled a list of preschool activities that support our Transportation theme 

You’ll find a list of books, arts & crafts activities, sensory bin suggestions, and even a fun snack recipe!

All that info is pasted below ( and you’ll be able to find it on my Facebook Page, too).

And, of course there will still be a NEW MISS NINA WEEKLY VIDEO this Tuesday! 

Okay – let’s get to singing & dancing! Check out Wild Things and then I’ll see you in a couple of ours for some Online Fun!

See you soon!


Miss Nina


Miss Nina Online 
March 23 – 27
Transportation & Dr. Seuss
Concepts: Fast & Slow

Oh! The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss
Go Dog! Go! by Dr. Seuss
Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss
Subway by Anastasia Suen


Painting with toy cars (or trains or anything with wheels) is pretty straight forward and is more about the experience of using the wheels and watching the marks and patterns they make on the paper. You can certainly experiment with moving “fast and slow”. And if you want to take it a step forward to color mixing – or simply by using only the colors of stop lights, that’s fun too!

Transportation Shape Collage

This simply links to a photo and you’ll get the idea. Cut up construction paper into lots of shapes, rectangles, squares, triangles, circles – and then get a glue stick and a piece of paper
And start making different kinds of vehicles with your shapes!

Sponge Painted Train Craft

Cardboard Box Vehicles


Flour Trucks Sensory Bin

Bubble Trucks
The ever-popular Bubble Foam meets construction vehicles!

Water Table and toy boats
Water in a bin or in the bath tub! Water and boat are always fun!

Go Dog Go Hot dog snack!:

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