Happy Tuesday to you!

There’s a lot going on here behind the scenes at Miss Nina HQ – and we’re in the planning stages of a few new things. One of those things is the creation of a weekly Online Sing-along – sort of like a Miss Nina musical playgroup class – but in an online format so you can join from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

But before we get too deep into planing, I would LOVE to get YOUR feedback and see if what we’re creating is even something you’d be interested in.

So, would you mind taking just 3 minutes to answer a few questions? It truly is a very short survey. I would SO appreciate your help! Just click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WSJK36N 

Thank you!!!

And now for this week’s video I’ve got a little re-run for you from this summer. You may have missed it back in July because of summer schedules, etc. Or if you didn’t miss it – I hope you’ll enjoy it again. This one is called “There Was A Crocodile” and it’s a TON OF FUN!

It’s not just fun because we get to sing it over and over and do silly animal actions – but because we also take away the words while continuing to do the motions (similar to what we did in my old Swimming Swimming In The Swimming Pool video and in the My Hat It Has Three Corners video).

On the surface this just seems like silly, good fun – and it is! But this also is great for our developing memories and the musical skill of audiation. Auditation is the skill of hearing a melody in your head without making the actual sounds. It’s a definitely a skill that can be worked on and improved. Even if your not a musician, learning to do this is a great concentration exercise.

And of course, we get to do all kinds of animal movements and sing a fun melody – does it get any better?! 🙂

Enjoy! And thanks in advance for answering the survey. I look forward to more fun stuff to share with you soon!

xoxo Miss Nina

PS: That link to the survey is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WSJK36N



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