I was thinking about this song and video a lot today and decided it would be the perfect “rerun” for us.

It reminded me of summer for two reasons.

I made this video in 2013, pregnant with Piper, on a beach vacation and I feel like you can feel summertime radiating through the video!

And several several several years ago (!!) I spend two months in Ohio as a performer in a really fun production of Guys & Dolls and had the opportunity to sing and dance in an adorable number to this song. Here’s a little Throw-back-Tuesday pic of that for ya:


LOVED that costume!

Also – my mom used to sing this song to me when I was a little girl. I loved the “doodle loodle loodles” at the end. Which is why I had opted to make a video of it for you and your little ones!  (However, Piper does not like me to sing this song to her for some reason – LOL!)

Enjoy the song! Share your love and  put some joy in this world. There’s enough of the other stuff out there already – but we could certainly use a lot more people breaking into love songs, couldn’t we?

Have a great week! xoxo

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