Well hi there & Happy Tuesday!!

Before we get to today’s video just a quick reminder that we’ve CHANGED THE TIME OF THE MISS NINA DAILY ONLINE SING-ALONGS!

With us starting Distance Learning and getting used to all being at and working from home, I’ve needed to move our sing-alongs to the afternoon. NEW TIME IS: 3:30 pm Central / 4:30 pm Easter

It’s LOUD & QUIET week and we are already having so much fun! Hope to see you on my Facebook Page or my YouTube Channel later today!

And we had do much fun with our Transportation and Fast & Slow Unit last week that I decided to make a new video for one of the favorites that we did: Row, Row, Row Your Boat!

Grab a baby doll, a stuffed animal or a friend and get ready to pretend to be in a boat together and have some super silly fun! In this video we do the song slow, super silly fast, and then slow again. AND we three verses: the classic verse, a verse where we roar like dinosaurs and one where we SCREAM! And you’ll see….a special guest joins me this week!

And friend, lastly, if you’re looking for a preschool program to help with YOUR Distance Learning and/or to give you more educational and fund activities for the day, I’ve got something you might enjoy. It’s a program I was working on putting together to launch at a later date, but have decided that perhaps it’s needed now and maybe I shall just launch a LIVE version of the course.

So, what is it?

Tales and Tunes: A Preschool Literature-Based
Music & Movement Program

I’d love to get started ASAP. So if you’re interested EMAIL ME BY CLICKING HERE and I’ll send more info out to you shortly!

And friends, please share this week’s video with anyone you know who might find it fun and/or useful! The link to share is: https://youtu.be/q3zSrVPRHSU

Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you at 3:30 Central time for some sing-along fun!!


Miss Nina


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