I hope you had a great week and are ready for some fun. We had a wonderful and weekend and have an exciting and eventful week ahead!  But I gotta tell ya: between an awesome visit with some out-of-town family, the Labor Day Holiday, Rosh Hashana (that’s the Jewish New Year – we’re an interfaith family over here! :)) and Piper’s first day of school (TODAY!!!) I didn’t get to editing a new video for you this week.


But don’t worry – I’ve still got you covered. In honor of all things back-to-school I thought we’d get back to basics with a focus on our ABCs!
But before we get to that….I’ve got to remind you that we start Miss Nina Online Music & Movement Classes next week!



Classes begin the week of September 13th for 10 weeks of fun! You can sign up for the full session or sign up to just drop in!
If you and the children in your life enjoy Miss Nina’s videos, and would love to connect with her, personally, once a week for music and movement fun – this class is for you.
For more details, the schedule, fees and to register go here: https://mymissnina.com/online-class/
**TEACHERS: If you’d like to have Miss Nina DROP-IN TO YOUR CLASS via Zoom (either your online class or have me via Zoom in to your in-person class) , I would LOVE to do that. Email me to discuss dates, fees and booking: [email protected] .**



Now, back to this week’s video!  It’s the ABCs with a bit of a twist. 🙃  The song is called New Alphabet – a song I wrote that you can find on my album Sha Doo Be Doop. (You can find it on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, the iTunes store  – wherever you typically  get your music.)


This song is, of course, the alphabet in it’s usual order. But to a new tune! AND to a dance beat with lots of ways to move along. The letters show up on the screen while I sing them so this really a VARK learning experience (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic) – which reaches a wide range of learning styles, keeps attention and increases learning retention by 90%!


So for your little learners, here is my preschool ABCs Dance Song New Alphabet:




Once you’ve watched and moved along with me to that one – you might be ready for a little more dancing. Or perhaps you’ll need a dance party/Brain Break song for later in the day. Well, you’re gonna LOVE this one! Here’s my original song My Freeze Dance:



I’ll be back next Tuesday with a new video – I promise! Time to start focusing on all the Autumn and Fall Fun, so stay tuned….
As always, feel free to use these videos in your classes or share them with your friends who have or teach little learners, or anyone you know who might find them useful.
Have a wonderful week!
Miss Nina

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