Brrrrrrr!!! It is COLD outside! (At least it is here in Minnesota!!! )
Today I’m am writing this to you while the snow is falling and the wind chill is -3 degrees. 🥶
So, seems like a good time for some HOT CHOCOLATE! Or the HOT CHOCOLATE SONG by Stepanie Leavell, at least! 
Do you know of Stephanie?
Well, she is a music teacher, music therapist, songwriter, recording artist, social media whiz and a wonderful, genuine person who is passionate about sharing songs and resources that help teachers, therapists and parents.
She writes, records and shares all sorts of songs, music and resources via her website – – and on her instagram page and stories: @music_for_kiddos.
I’ve been a fan for a long time and learned her Hot Chocolate song last year. I love it so so much and I think you will too.
It’s jazzy, easy to learn, has fun motions and is about something nearly all kids love – Hot Chocolate!
It’s also a great song to do this time of year because it works for “The Holidays” without being about any particular holiday. Check it out:



  • FINE MOTOR SKILLS:  This is a fun song to move to – with some simply hand and finger motions. We hold out pretend cup of hot chocolate, “pour the cocoa”, add whipped cream, and even blow on our cup while we hold it. Great practice for holding a cup!
  • IMAGINATION & MAKE BELIEVE FUN:  Holding a pretend cup, imagining what we’re holding in our hands as we pour, and imagining the whipped cream are all fun uses of our imaginations and stretching us to “see” things that aren’t there.  We also pretend to have an elephant-sized cup, and then a mouse-sized cup and have fun being very big and very little! 
  • HOT & COLD:  If you’re talking about Winter Time and how it gets cold outside – then it’s a great time to talk about the concepts of hot and cold. You can do great sensory play at your home or classroom with ice or snow, you can talk about how to dress for Winter and whye and you can talk about feeling could and how to warm up!  Put on warm clothes, sit by a fire, and/or drink something warm like – hot chocolate!
If you like this video, I’d love it if you’d share it! Here’s the link –>
Enjoy! Be sure and check out Stephanie’s website, music and Instagram to get more wonderful songs and activities. She’s very happy for you to use and/or share this song – so feel free to do so!
See you in your inbox next Tuesday!
Miss Nina
PS: SEE YOU TOMORROW ON ZOOM??!!!  Join us for class starting tomorrow:

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