Hello my friends!

Well, here we are post-Thanksgiving in the USA. It’s Monday November 29th and the holiday season is upon us! But, once again, I’m not quite ready to jump into Hanukah and Christmas songs and talk about the holidays. So as we are rolling toward Winter, and the temperatures are getting colder I find it a great time to start talking about the concepts of Cold & Hot (or warm.)

It’s getting colder out – here in Minnesota we’re in the midst of another snowstorm.  And when it’s cold out we like to keep warm! So I thought I’d share with you some songs today that focus on that idea and those concepts. Today I’m sharing the songs and videos of:

Hot Chocolate

The Mitten

I’m A Little Snowman

The Coat Flip  Song

The Snow-key Pokey

So let’s get started!

1. Hot Chocolate:

This adorable song by Stephanie Leavell is a PERFECT for this time of year. It’s great for the Holidays without being about the Holidays and fun for winter. It’s simply about making and drinking hot chocolate! And after we sing it through a couple of times, we pretend we are elephants with elephant sized hot chocolate (and voices) and then we pretend we are mice with mouse sized hot chocolate (and voices). The song and the adaptations are all from Stephanie and she generously gave me permission to make a video of her song last year. Here it is:




2. The Mitten Song:

Based on the Norwegian folktale, The Mitten, and the book by Jan Brett.  A very cute story about a boy, his mitten and some animals that want to keep warm in the cold! As I’m sure I mentioned when I first posted this video – I used to do this story in my preschool drama classes. I’d narrate the story while each child got to be an animal and we’d have a giant white blanket out that we’d pretend was the mitten. The best part was when we’d move in “Slow-Mo” when the bear sneezes and all the animals tumble out!

So, of course, eventually I made this into a song because, well, you know how I love a book song! I’m you have a copy of the book, grab it an follow along. Or simply watch the video, as I show the pictures within:


3. I’m a A Little Snowman:

This song sort of talks about cold and warm in the reverse of the first two listed above. In Hot Chocolate and The Mitten we talk about being cold and warming up. In this case, we have some snowmen who are naturally cold, and then we learn what happens when they get hot….they melt! “Melting” together is one of the most fun parts of this song. Check it out:





4. The Coat Flip Song:

Well as you know, when it’s cold (or getting colder) out we’ve got to start wearing jackets and coats. So, time for the Coat Flip Song! If you missed it a couple of weeks ago when I released it, catch up with this fun “how-to” song now. First I sing a transition song about getting our coats, and then I sing you through the Coat Flip Song two times. This is a great tool to help children put their coats on themselves, grow their self-esteem and independence, and take the load off of you!  So, let’s put our coats on to keep warm:



5. The Snow-key Pokey:

Now that you’ve got your coat on, it’s time to put on everything else – hats, scarves, mittens, boots, etc. – so it’s time to do the Snow-key Pokey! You can use actual outdoor clothing or simply pretend.  Either way this is a fun song to help children learn about how to get dressed to go outside. There’s lots of fun ways to adapt this song and make it your own.

So there you have it! Five preschool winter songs about staying warm when it’s cold outside… and these you can continue to use as you start talking about the Winter Holidays!

Enjoy! And I’ll have brand new video ready for you next Tuesday!


Miss Nina

PS: There’s still time to get in on our Cyber Week Sale of 25% off an Annual Membership of Miss Nina’s Pink Guitar Club! Sign up HERE: https://members.mymissnina.com or get all the details at this post: https://mymissnina.com/cyber-week-sale-pink-guitar-club-membership/


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