by Miss Nina | Dec 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
HAPPY HOLIDAYS MY FRIENDS!!! Wow – I can hardly believe it’s the morning of Christmas Eve and the third night of Hanukkah! This last quarter of the year seems to have gone both fast and slow at the same time. I’m super excited about the holidays this...
by Miss Nina | Dec 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy Tuesday to you! Oh my goodness – things just got REAL. One week from today is Christmas Eve!!!! Do you have as much to do as I do?? Not only is there all the holiday planning and shopping and parties and events – there’s the whole winding down...
by Miss Nina | Dec 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hello from two degrees below zero in Minnesota!! Bbbbbbbrrrrr! It’s definitely going to be a looooong winter here! Right now I am so appreciating that all the holidays at this time of year share the commonality of fire light, candles, stars and all things that...
by Miss Nina | Dec 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Well hi there! Happy Tuesday and Happy December! So here we are, heading toward the holidays. I’m always in a conundrum this first week of December because I’m excited to start looking toward Christmas & Chanukah & Kwanza & New...
by Miss Nina | Nov 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y’ALL!! I realize it’s still two days away, but I’m sure (if you’re in the USA) you are either deep in preparations for Thursday, or in wrap-up mode in your school/classroom – right? My in-laws will be arriving a little...