I wanted to post something, briefly, because although I’ve been quiet on social media over the past several days, my mind and heart have been anything but. However, any amount of grief, sadness, fear, anger and overwhelm I’ve been experiencing is nothing compared to what people of color, black people in particular, have been feeling and experience in this country for hundreds of years. In my personal life I have been turning inward to take a hard look and see in what ways – consciously and unconsciously – I’ve been the problem. And I am actively reading, and learning and donating to causes to become part of the solution. My voice, however, is not one that needs to be heard on this matter right now. I just wanted to be clear to POC that Miss Nina is an ally. #blacklivesmatter
If you’re wanting to know things you can do or ways you can help to be a part of the solution, here’s three things you can do (taken from a list compiled by Kids Music Artist, Nikki Rung):
1.Talk to children about race. https://www.prettygooddesign.org/…/Blog%20Post%20Title%20On…
2. Read books about racism to children:
3. Read ADULT books about racism.
Sending out Love –
Miss Nina