Episodes of the Miss Nina weekly video show!
On this blog you’ll also be treated to exclusive commentary from miss nina on how to incoroporate these songs and activities into your home, classroom, story time and life:
Peter, Peter Penguin Marching By – Winter Song for Preschool
Well happy Tuesday! Okay – I’m feeling back in the swing of things – how about you? We've been getting full nights of sleep, and we're back into a routine, and overall we - myself, Mister Nina & Piper - are all doing well. And all over the US, Winer is in full...
Snowman Songs & Getting Present in 2019
Well Good Morning & Happy New Year! I am writing to you at 5 am Central Time (some days I still can’t believe we’ve moved to Minnesota!). Yesterday I wrote and re-wrote this email/blog post to you over and over again trying to find that perfect blend New Year...
Merry Christmas! 22+ Non-stop Minutes of Xmas Songs
Ok - so we all knew Christmas was coming. Right? I mean, it comes the same time every year! LOL! And - I've been amping up, getting ready for it for weeks with sing-along songs and talk of the holidays. But - all of the sudden I looked ahead at the calendar and -...
This Little Light of Mine – Holiday Sing-Along with Miss Nina
Happy Holidays!!! I’ve got some fun stuff for the little ones in your life: some Miss Nina holiday gift ideas and A BRAND NEW VIDEO: This Little Light Of Mine! First off, holiday gift ideas for the Miss Nina fan in your life: Miss Nina CDs make great...
Hanukkah Songs with Miss Nina
Hello there! Happy Tuesday! I hope you've had a great week. I'm excited because I have a number of videos for our friends who celebrate Hanukkah! At Chez Stone, we celebrate both Hanukkah Hanukkah and Christmas, so I am feeling VERY festive right now writing to you...
Happy Thanksgiving Playlist
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you're week is off to a great start. As I mentioned last week, I've taken the week off an am already on a holiday break. 🙂 But I've got you and the little ones covered this week with a six song video playlist of Thanksgiving songs for you....