Episodes of the Miss Nina weekly video show!

On this blog you’ll also be treated to exclusive commentary from miss nina on how to incoroporate these songs and activities into your home, classroom, story time and life:

Five Little Monkeys Swinging On A Tree

Those five little monkeys are back! They're not jumping on the bed though. Oh no - they're swinging on a tree, antagonizing an alligator. Some might say that they get what's coming to them. 🙂 But I found a version that at least leaves one remaining monkey to tell the...

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The 10K Is Coming!

Hi friends! This coming Saturday, June 11th I'll be running the 10K in Central Park with my Maplewood Moms-In-Training team! Woohoo! It's to raise money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society while also meeting other moms and getting in shape! I've never run a 10K race...

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Open Up Your Heart (and let the Sunshine in!)

Just a teensy little delay in getting this video up. Thanks for your patience! This is a sweet song that I first heard when I was three years old and in my first year of dance classes. We learned the words, did some balletic movements to them, and then did a short...

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Here's a fun little song that's been in my head since I was about 10 years old. It's really the song "Harrigan" by George M. Cohan with the words and subject matter changed to - you guessed it - lollipops. 🙂 It's simple and very catchy, and before long you little one...

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Those White Choral Bells!

I've got a fun video replay for you this week! *But first just a reminder that the new album is out and you can buy it and/or download it right here:  GET THE NEW ALBUM HERE!* ***** Now that you have your copy on it's way - let's get back to some video fun! 😉 I made...

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