Spring Counting Song | 5 Little Chickadees

Spring Counting Song | 5 Little Chickadees

I hope your week is off to a great start! This week I have for you a springtime counting song called 5 Little Chickadees.   Ok, so, it doesn’t have to be just for Spring – but because it’s about birds and because I am desperate for a Springtime...
6 Literacy Skills Movement Songs for Preschool

6 Literacy Skills Movement Songs for Preschool

HAPPY SPRING!!! OMG – it’s finally really here! Nothing has made me appreciate Spring more than living in Minnesota. And here, the first day of Spring simply means the snow is melting. LOL! I’m PSYCHED for longer days and warmer weather…..but...
A-Y AY! | Hip-Hop Word Families Song

A-Y AY! | Hip-Hop Word Families Song

I am SO excited about this week’s video! It’s a Word Families song for learning. I’ve been wanting to make this and share it with you for a really long time!!   This is one of those songs/videos where you can see some of my biggest childhood...
5 Preschool Attention Getters

5 Preschool Attention Getters

The new video I have for you on this week about preschool Attention Getters is a little different than the usual. I’d intended to have a fun spelling and movement song for you this week, but time got away from me because….   IT’S PIPERS...

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