On Routines: It’s Clean-Up Time, Everybody!

On Routines: It’s Clean-Up Time, Everybody!

Hi there! Thank you so much for your awesome feedback and embrace of my last email and blog post about my bedtime struggles with Piper! You know, before that post I really had felt like the lone mother who hadn’t nailed down bedtime and felt like a failure. I was so...
On Encouragement, Approval, Boundaries & Love

On Encouragement, Approval, Boundaries & Love

Parental confession time: I have trouble setting boundaries.  I’m most definitely and empath and often feel the need to comfort and soothe and acknowledge feelings in the immediate moment, With a true, albeit misguided, belief that it’s what’s best for the long run. ...
Sun & Sunshine Songs

Sun & Sunshine Songs

Hi there! Happy Tuesday to you! Hope your week is off to a great start.  We are getting all settled in over here in the new house! I’m super excited about the office space I have here and this beautiful blue wall that will most likely be the new back drop for the...
Metamorphosis: For Caterpillars AND  Nina

Metamorphosis: For Caterpillars AND Nina

Good morning, Friends – I apologize for the lack of email last Tuesday. That may have been the first time in eight years that I missed an email to you. And as you may know already if you follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook, my Father passed away on April...

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