by Miss Nina | Apr 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
Happy Tuesday! This week I’ve got a new video for you of a song I’ve been doing often in my preschool and Grown-Up-And-Me classes, as well as at recent preschool and library shows. It’s called: Together & Apart. It’s seriously one of my...
by Miss Nina | Apr 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
Happy Tuesday! And Happy Spring??!!! I don’t know about where you are – but where I am it snowed yesterday (on April 2nd!) and it’s not feeling so Spring-Timey. So what’s a girl to do?! Perhaps this is a great moment to model how the outer...
by Miss Nina | Mar 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Well, hi there! It’s really Springtime! It may not fully feel like it yet – but it’s here, along with Passover, Easter and Spring Break!! Both Passover and Easter begin this coming weekend – so I figured it was fitting to put out both an...
by Miss Nina | Mar 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Happy Tuesday to you! There’s a lot going on here behind the scenes at Miss Nina HQ – and we’re in the planning stages of a few new things. One of those things is the creation of a weekly Online Sing-along – sort of like a Miss Nina musical...
by Miss Nina | Mar 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
My wish for all children is to have a close, loving bond with the grown-ups in their life. My wish for parents is that they have a close, loving bond with their children. Did you know that playing with your child when they are young, sets you up for a good, strong...
by Miss Nina | Mar 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
Today is Piper’s Birthday! That means that five years ago today, I became a Mommy. There is so much to say. Motherhood is simultaneously the most challenging and most wonderful experience of my life. It shines the light on who I truly am, who I need to become, my...