The Brown Bear Rap

The Brown Bear Rap

Hello my Friends! I just realized that we’re nearly though 2017, which is the 50th Anniversary of the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear,What Do You See? – and we’ve never celebrated it! My Brown Bear Rap came about after reading the much loved story many...
Farmer Brown Had Five Green Apples

Farmer Brown Had Five Green Apples

Hiya Friend! I hope your week is off to a great start! This week I’ve got a new video for you – and it’s an excerpt from Online Playschool! In Online Playschool, participants receive a new video each day: Monday is arts & craft video day with...
October & Pumpkins!

October & Pumpkins!

Good Morning, Friends! Here in NJ it really looks and feels like Fall now. There’s a chill in the air, and the leaves are beginning to turn beautiful shades of gold and red. I seem to have caught my first Fall cold, too! So, I’m taking it a little easy...
Knees Up, Mother Brown!!

Knees Up, Mother Brown!!

Well, hi there! How’s your week so far? I don’t know about you, but it’s been a busy start to the school year and September has been whizzing by! So many exciting this have been happening – like Online Playschool which is a total blast (and...
Autumn, Apple Trees & Online Playschool!

Autumn, Apple Trees & Online Playschool!

Well, hi there! We officially started the Miss Nina Online Playschool yesterday! It’s been so fun creating this curriculum and all of the videos for everyone. And – it’s not too late to join! Although it’s a 5 week program that started...
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Online Playshool!

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Online Playshool!

HI there! I’ve got a fun, brand new video for this week. But before I get to it I’ve got to let you know that the Fall Session of Online Playschool is about to start!! I AM SO PSYCHED! We just had a rockin’ one week Demo of Playschool last week, and...

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