Hello there! Happy Tuesday!

As you can see from the subject line and photo above – this week’s video is a little different than usual – and I’m pretty excited about it!

Last summer I had a lot of fun doing a Summer Series on Routines. I was trying to think about what to focus on this summer when I received an email from an early childhood teacher asking for some help with activities for her circle time.

I’ve received a few emails around this subject over the past few months so – voila! I decided to make this summer’s series:

Circle Time Tips – Music & Movement for Circle Time Success!

This week’s video the kids will still have fun playing, singing and moving along with me while I also demonstrate for the grown-ups 5 different tactics/tips for getting preschoolers attention and getting ready for circle time.

AND – a *bonus* of a new Hello Song is in here as well!

In this video I’ll demonstrate my 5 tips/tactics of getting preschoolers attention with music and movment:


  1. Tone

  2. Singing

  3. Rhythm

  4. Movement

  5. Drama


And then you get to hear a new Hello Song I just wrote along with 3 Things that make a Hello Song great!


And although the content of the video is aimed at the teacher this time, there is still plenty of song and movement for your little ones to follow along with, And even if you are not a teacher, I think you’ll find some of these tips useful at home too.


In fact, I not only use these tactics in circle time, I use to use them throughout the preschool day and still use them when performing concerts. And I am sure that they can work within your Zoom class time too. 🙂


Feel free to share this video with anyone you think might find it helpful. The link to share is here: https://youtu.be/829dXYDa7nY.


And I’d LOVE to hear from you! Let me know one thing that you found helpful from this video in the comments!


Thanks so much and I’ll see you again next Tuesday!


Miss NIna

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