Hello there!

Did you experience the Polar Vortex last week?  Have you recovered from Cabin Fever?!  School was closed four days in a row here – one day for snow and three because of the extreme cold.

We got through it playing lots of games, watching lots of movies and having lots of dance parties!! During the Winter, as much as I want to snuggle on the couch, I also want to make sure that both Piper and myself, DO something to use our bodies and muscles. Something that energizes us bit while doing it, and that will help us sleep well at night. 

If it’s too cold for playing outside, and I can’t get her out to a play space or gymnastics, then I’m all about dance parties! Getting our bodies moving is one of the best ways to beat the Winter Blues and get the wiggles out! 

I’ve got a few ways that WE can have dance parties TOGETHER this Winter! First is in person tomorrow, if you’re in the Minneapolis area:

Wednesday, February 6th
10:30 Miss Nina Performance
Midtown Global Market’s Wee Wednesday
920 E. Lake Street – Minneapolis, MN

But if you’re not here – no sweat – there’s two other ways we can be together! One his like this:

Yep! That’s a photo from our Move & Groove Online Sing-Along last Thursday! (Like my fancy “sticky note” editing to protect privacy?! Lol!)

It’s Music & Movement class with me, from the comfort of your own home (or library! Seaford Library in DE joined us for their Story Time!). We meet online weekly and I take you through 30 minutes of sing-along, move along fun! And we can all see each other – it’s really, really FUN!

I’m changing the structure a teensy bit: rather than monthly subscription as it’s been, I’m opening it up to sign up by the session. Our new 12 week session (Feb, March, April) starts this week!

**If this interests you at all and you’d like more information or would like to JOIN Move & Groove – EMAIL ME and I will personally send you info and answer your questions.**

It’s one great way to make the most of all this Winter indoor time!  And here’s another way…….


Yes! Hot of the press (or out of the editing room, rather) I’ve got a new video for you: 30+ minutes of back-to-back, non stop Miss Nina videos. I’ve gathered 13 videos that focus on gross motor movement to help your little ones get their hearts pumping and to shake out all that energy! Here’s the full song list:

  1.  Sleeping Bunnies
  2. Knees Up, Mother Brown
  3. Wheels On The Bus
  4.  If You’re Happy & You Know It
  5. Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
  6. Together and Apart
  7.  Biscuits In The Oven
  8. 5 Little Monkeys
  9. Baby Shark
  10. The Hokey Pokey
  11. There Was A Crocodile
  12. Hurry, Hurry, Drive The Firetruck
  13. Shake Your Sillies Out

So I think I’ve got you covered! You can come out and see me on Wednesday, join us online on Thursdays and/or press play above for 30 minutes of movement fun! Looking forward to dancing through Winter with you!


Miss Nina


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