I’m looking out my window right now, willing the buds in the trees to open – LOL! My Spring Fever is strong…and early! But here we are, at the tail end of March, in the midst of Passover for some and Easter coming up this weekend for others. So I’m just going with my Spring fever, having a blast making Springtime backgrounds and videos. Today’s song is about a Bunny. 🙂 If you have an Easter focus it works for that – but it is not an Easter song, so it works equally well for any Springtime unit or simply to add to your list of Animal Songs! 



It can be simply a finger play you do while sitting OR a gross motor movement song – I demonstrate both ways in the video.


  • SPEECH DEVELOPMENT: Here Is A Bunny is a short rhyme with an even rhythm that tells a quick story. You can repeat it many times in short amount of time – rhythm, rhyme, and repetition help children develop their speech and language skills – while simply having fun. Acting out the “story” helps them to learn the meaning of words and actions, and is the beginning, believe it or not, of reading comprehension! Reading comprehension starts with story comprehension.
  • LISTENING SKILLS: Little ones will need to listen and pay attention to the rhyme to know what comes next, and therefore what movement to do. It’s a short rhyme, so it can even become an “attention getter” activity for you classroom or home. 
  • FINE & GROSS MOTOR SKILLS: As I demonstrate in the video, how you can do this rhyme sitting down and using our hands and arms, or standing up. While sitting we get to work on holding up two fingers and wiggling them, an the coordination of one arm doing one thing, while the other does something different. If we do is as a gross motor activity, we get to work on hopping and jumping on two feet, which is a skill that takes practice!

Please feel free to SHARE this video and/or use it in your own classes or at home!

And hopefully, very soon, it won’t be just video format that I see  you in! SO…


Vaccines are rolling out and things are starting to open up!!! I’m currently booking virtual class drop-ins, school and library virtual concerts…but soon I think we’ll be able to see each other in person again! So I’m also booking events for the Fall already and I’d LOVE to see you!  Check out my  my school visits video  or my performance highlights video  to get a feel for an in person Miss Nina visit – and let’s get something booked for your school, library or festival! Email: [email protected] to start booking.


I look forward to seeing you any and all ways that I can: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tunes & Tales or in person soon!

In the meantime – ENJOY this week’s video!  And if you celebrate Passover or Easter or Holi I wish you a wonderful holiday!!! See you in your inbox next Tuesday… 


Miss Nina


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