Llama Llama Red Pajama – a book by Anna Dewdney.
And a song, 8 years in the making by Miss Nina.
And now – it’s finally here In mp3 format!!
THIS is the song .
This is the first song for children that I wrote.
This is the song that inspired me to start recording children’s music.
This is the song that people come to see me perform and is a “cult favorite”.
This is the song that I’ve never had permission to record.
But I couldn’t wait any longer. I just had to record it. And so I did.
And not only did we record it, but magical circumstances and love conspired to bring it all together to make it sound fantastic. (Thank you Dan Kuby & Doug Silver).
If you like this book, you’ll love this song.
I’ve got just 4 days left to reach goal and we’re just 64% funded. And to get the new album out, I need to reach my goal.
Llama Llama might not make it onto the album if I don’t get permission. So this is truly an exclusive.
This week’s video is of me, Miss Nina, before I was truly Miss Nina (no video show, no albums) singing Llama Llama Red Pajama at a Birthday Party in NYC. So check it out! Grab your copy of the book and read/sing-along!