Hello there!

As we roll into November and the Thanksgiving Holiday, I like to focus on the themes of Friendship, Gratitude and Love. 🙂

So here’s a song made popular by the Brownies and Girl Scouts of America: Make New Friends (but keep the old).  This is a simple song that’s easy to learn and sing-along to.  The words are at the bottom of the screen in the video, and I”ll type them below as well.

I made this video a few years ago (make new videos, but keep the old… lol!) as you can see by the long pony tails.

This song, as well as the ones to come this month are a great jumping off point to talk about Friendship, Peace, Sharing, etc.  After this very intense and divisive election season, coming back  together –  in our communities, families, and as a whole country – is going to be very important though potentially difficult. Beginning by focusing on the benefits of friendship, sharing, peace and love are a great start. And what better way to bring people together than through music and song?

Grown-ups in the USA – don’t forget to vote today! It’s your right! And modeling for your children how to be a participating, adult in the community by voting is a beautiful thing.

Enjoy your day and the video and see you next week:


Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver and the other's gold.
A circle's round, it has no end
That's how long I want to be your friend.


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