Happy Tuesday, Friends!

I hope you had a great week! We had big news at our house: Piper lost her first tooth! I’m a wee bit nostalgic and a little more emotional than I thought I’d be! I clearly remember the very moment her very first two teeth came in (those bottom front two cut at the exact same time): it was September 2013 while interviewing a babysitter. And here we are, almost exactly five years later and she lost her first tooth! Aw, man. It is so cool watching her grow up and develop into this cool, imaginative, hilarious person.

It’s also exhausting. Lol! I mean, even though I’m, like, Queen of early childhood music and play activities, I totally struggle as a Mama to plan and come up with ideas for us to do. I know we always do better with a plan – even if I just take 10 minutes the night before and find something on Pinterest for us to do. But finding those extra 10 minutes for that purpose, among everything else, is not easy.

If you’re in the same boat as me – I hope my latest thing is a source of help for you: weekly, online sing-along designed around seasonal Themes and early childhood concepts (My Rap, Rock & Read Curriculum) and links to crafts, sensory activities, books and recipes to compliment our sing-alongs themes and concepts. And a private Facebook group. All wrapped up in a a program called Miss Nina’s Move & Groove Membership Program.  I made a quick little video on Instagram last week to tell you all about it:


If you want more info or you know you’re ready to join us – go to this link: tinyurl.com/yc48gwx3  You’ll be asked for your name and email address and after you submit those, you’ll be taken to the info page for The Miss Nina Move & Groove Membership Program.  It’s being offered right now at a very low monthly fee of $17/month. That’s super crazy inexpensive! Less money than it would cost for one week of a mommy & me music class! Our very first online sing-along is this week, but our first full month begins next week (October). So the doors on this offer are closing on September 30th and the next time it’s offered it’ll be at a higher monthly rate. So CLICk HERE to join us! I’d love to truly see you online and sing and move with your kiddos!

And if you have any questions, please email me and/or comment below! I’m happy to give you all the info you need.


And of course – a video for the kids! I’m still working on finding the time and place to shoot new videos, so this week we’re going WAY BACK to a video I shot six years ago! But it’s a classic song that never gets old for kids – Old MacDonald Had A Farm:

Enjoy the video and I so hope to see you Online in the Move & Groove Community super soon! Again, feel free to email me with any questions!

Have a wonderful week and see you next Tuesday!


Miss Nina

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