I know I always say this, but seriously I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS WEEK’S VIDEO!!
I have wanted to make a music video for this song, My Freeze Dance, from my album Every Day’s Your Birthday – FOR YEARS!!
I’d dreamed fo a big budget, Meghan-Trainor-All-About-That-Bass-esque style video. Pastel colors, lots of dancing, many scenes. But with every day life, and work, and moving across the country and then settling in, it just seemed like it may never happen.
And then, this global pandameic – lots of time online making music with you all and connecting with you….I finally started playing with a green screen again…..and I realized that with it, and YOU, I think I could make this happen. And VOILA!!!! At long last here it’s here!
This song is definitely good ol’ fun! It’s the song that, at my live performances, gets EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE on their feet and dancing. It’s like medicine. At a Miss Nina concert, after this song, the whole room feels different – lighter, upbeat, full of joy.
So, whether at home, in your classroom, during your virtual classes – feel free to use this song as YOUR NEW FAVORITE BRAIN BREAK!
And special this week, I’ll be on Recess with Punkn Futz! JOIN ME LIVE ON THE PUNKN FUTZ FACEBOOK PAGE for some high energy music and movement fun THIS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th at 4 pm EDT / 3 pm CDT / 2 pm MDT / 1 pm PDT!
And of course, I’ll see you tomorrow, Wednesday, September 2nd, at 4:30 EDT / 3:30 CDT / 2:30 MDT / 1:30 PDT on MY FACEBOOK PAGE & YOUTUBE CHANNEL for some live sing-along fun.
Can’t wait to hear what you think of this week’s video!!! Let me know in the comments?
Have a wonderful week!
Miss Nina