Miss Nina's Online Play School
Ready to have happy children, more freedom in your day & to feel like an a+ parent or teacher?
Join the Miss Nina Online Play School!!!Enrollment is now closed!
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Whether you are a working or stay-at-home parent of a young child(ren), a teacher or a children’s librarian, I know that the many hats you wear and the many things you do can get overwhelming!
- I know that feeling of desperately needing 30 undisturbed minutes to make dinner (or make a phone call, or just put your feet up!) or to catch up on work in your classroom, so guiltily putting your children in front of a not-so-great video because it’s the best solution at the moment.
- I know the feeling of then hearing your children repeat some not-so-wonderful phrase from said video over and over – and feeling like you’ve totally failed!
- I know the feeling of being great at being super effective in so many areas of your life, but then totally dropping the ball when it comes to planning things for your kids (yes, even me, Miss Nina with all the songs!) – and then having cranky, grumpy and/or bored children on your hands:
So to help you get :
Relief from guilt
More freedom in your day
happy, joyful children
an A+ in parenting & teaching
I’ve created the Miss Nina Online PlaySchool!
What’s Included
The Miss Nina Online PlaySchool is a 5 week online, early childhood (0 to 5) education and entertainment program delivered daily in a video format.
Each week is designed around a specific set of early childhood concepts (i.e. Up & Down, Big & Little, Colors, etc.) and all designed around one theme (for example, The Zoo).
Each Friday you’ll receive an email with your List of supplies needed for the week (for craft and sensory projects).
Here’s What You’ll Get Each Week for 5 the full Five Weeks:
You get lifetime access to all of the content AND it will ALL be availalbe for download so that you can have access to it all whether offline or on!
Enroll before 1/21/18 and or just $127 you’ll receive:
6+ hours of early childhood educational, interactive, exclusive & new video content (20 videos!)
weekly shopping lists
award-winning, original songs by Miss Nina – including her famous book songs
Private Facebook Group access
All hosted and created by Miss Nina – YouTube Star & Award-Winning Children’s Music Artist!
**Early Bird Bonuses: $70 off & Free Download of ALL THREE of Miss Nina’s Award Winning Children’s Music albums ($30 value)
Here’s what our Online Playschool attendees have to say:
Thank you from the heart for creating Miss Nina’s Online Playschool. It is truly a well planned learning program for children. You are always compassionate, enthusiastic and dedicated to educating parents, caregivers and children. It was so much fun watching Elly sing, dance, and explore with such determination and joy. I even learned to embrace the messy activities and had the best laughs after.
The most impressive thing to me is the way your songs based on books make the children even love the book more and foster an appreciation for reading. And I like the physical aspect of songs like Spinning Statues because my kids really put forth a lot of energy when they hear this song.
Also I think the children really get your positive relationship with music. You are so positive and your appearance is fun and happy.
I am a music teacher at a few other schools in New Jersey –your videos and songs are such a help to me — as I don’t have the time to plan lessons all the time since I also run a wellness business. Thanks for helping my life flow easier with tremendous ideas for pre-school music and art activities. You are AWESOME!
Here’s just some of the benefits of the miss Nina online playschool

- Parental freedom
- Happy Children
- Relief from Guilt
- Child Language & Speech Development
- Child Fine & Gross Motor Strength & Development
- Child Early Literacy & Pre-Reading Skills
- Child Preschool & Kindergarten Readiness
Questions? Please email [email protected] and someone will get back to you at our earliest convenience!