Well happy Tuesday!

Okay – I’m feeling back in the swing of things – how about you?

We’ve been getting full nights of sleep, and we’re back into a routine, and overall we – myself, Mister Nina & Piper – are all doing well.

And all over the US, Winer is in full effect. Brrrrrrrrrr!  But as is the way of early childhood teachers, I am jumping in and celebrating the cold with Winter songs and movement activities. It’s time for songs about cold and snow and….Penguins!

It’s funny – it’s not like we suddenly see a slew of Penguins wondering around during Winter – but when the cold weather arrives, us teachers find it fun to explore it from all angles: what the snow and cold feel like, what we wear to keep warm, fun things to do outdoors in the Winter and, of course,  what kind of animals  and birds live in and thrive in the cold. Which brings us to: Penguins.

This song, Peter Penguin, is new to me. And after discovering it, I searched the internet to hear versions of it, and only found about two other videos of it on YouTube!  It’s a fun and easy song to learn, it explains what Penguins look like and how they move. It’s a fun one to get the kids up and marching like Penguins around the room:

The Lyrics are:

Peter Peter Penguin, marching by,
Toes Turned out and heal held high,
Long black coat and a clean white vest,
Peter Peter Penguin, you’re the best!

In the video we’ll sing it together three times in a row. And I even threw in a few photos of real penguins for your viewing pleasure! 🙂

Enjoy the video! I hope you find it useful at home or in your classroom or in your library story time!

Have a great week and I’ll see you next Tuesday…



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