I am actually on a much anticipated vacation for the next few weeks, but I’m taking advantage of the wonders of technology and automation to the weekly emails and videos to you! Fingers crossed it all works out!
And although I am on my official Summer Vacation, I know that many of our friends in the southern United States are getting ready to go Back To School. So, it feels like it’s the right time for a Hello Song!
I wrote my song, Hello Hello, back in 2008 – that first year I had my preschool classroom. And I’ve been singing it ever since! If you’ve been on a Facebook Live, a Zoom class or an in person class or show, you’ve heard this song of mine. I’ve sung it on my video show a few different times – one time using 18 different languages to say Hello! – but I’d never made an Official Music Video for it. UNTIL NOW!


****Friends: for some reason my website is not letting me embed the video as usual. I apologize! Click the link to be taken to the video on YouTube. ****
Here’s the link to share: https://youtu.be/a0k_B5rpelY
Feel free to use in your classes, schools and homes and to share with anyone you know who might find it useful!

And that’s it!  I’m keeping things short and sweet while I’m away. But yes yes – there WILL BE ONLINE MUSIC & MOVEMENT CLASS with me THIS FALL! So keep your eyes on your inbox in late August for all the details.

Have a wonderful week!


Miss Nina

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