This week’s video is a Circle Time Song chock full of Preschool Learning & fun!

It’s a song that I use often and it can be adapted to fit nearly any theme.


Two Little Blackbirds

(also known in some places as “Two Little Dickey Birds”)

It’s always about two birds, Jack and Jill, who fly away and come back. For our littlest learners, its a fun peak-a-boo type game and an exploration of Object Permanence.

But for our older Preschoolers, Kindergartners and beyond, the song can be about opposites that you’re exploring, musical terms, and even – as I show you in today’s video – an introduction to reading!


  • OPPOSITES: I love to use this song to teach and experience Opposites. In this video we explore Loud & Quiet, Big & Little, High & Low and Fast & Slow. Each word is demonstrated/experienced within the song with sound or motion – or both!
  • MUSICAL CONCEPTS: Many of these pairs of opposites are also related to music – we have Loud & Quiet and High & Low that explores sound with volume and musical pitches, and we have Fast & Slow that can begin a discussion on Tempo.
  • PRE-READING/LITERACY: As you are probably aware, one of my favorite things is to use music and movement to give children and EXPERIENCE of their learning. Today, while we explore opposites, I also have the words written on cards, and use those cards when I demonstrate the world…. connecting the written word with their demonstrated meaning (while a child also moves or sings) increases learning and retention. They may only begin to identify things like “when Miss Nina moves SLOW she’s holding a word card that begins with ‘S'” – but this along is HUGE. Pre-reading skills are the foundations to reading and literacy – and any interactions with words and letters that a child has is a positive one!

View video above and here’s a link to share –>


You can catch me online LIVE next week on two of my favorite shows to visit!

Wednesday, May 12th: Miss Nina on Twinkle Time Online Live at 5 pm EDT / 4 pm CDT / 2 pm PDT at THIS LINK


Friday May 16th: Miss Nina on Recess with Punkin Futz! 4 pm EDT / 3 pm CDT / 1 pm PDT at THIS LINK

Can’t wait!!!

And that’s the news for this week, my friends! I’m off to get Vaccine #2 today, which means I’ll get to see my Mom soon as well as perform for YOU live & in person!!!! I am so happy, grateful and excited!

Wishing you a wonderful week! Feel free to use and share this week’s video with anyone who might find it useful!


Miss Nina

P.S. We’re still having fun in ourĀ  monthly children’s music & movement membership program called Tunes & Tales? you can still join us! Go HERE for more info!


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