This coming weekend is going to be Biblical! Lol!

Easter weekend commences on Friday with Good Friday and the first Passover Seder begins at sundown on Friday night. These two holidays usually occur close to each other, but this time they are REALLy synced up.

As I was going through some of my footage I realized that I recorded a Passover song last year that I never published. !!

In the context of the passover story – as I explain in the beginning of the video (in a super simple way) – it’s a song about one of the 10 plagues: Frogs.

But by itself – it is really just a fun song that could be about someone waking up to Frogs in their bed, having nothing to do with passover. The song mentions “Pharaoh” on time, and to make it a secular song one would simply change that to a name – any name – and it’s just a silly song about Frogs.  The lyrics are:

One morning when Pharaoh woke in his bed,
there were frogs in his bed
and frogs on his head.
Frogs on his nose
and frogs on his toes.
Frogs here,
Frogs there,
Frogs were jumping everywhere!

And the frogs said:
ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit
ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit
ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit
ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit

We sing it twice through. 🙂 I’ll post it below – and am also posting Peter Cottontail for those of us who celebrate Easter. So here is Frogs:


And here’s Peter Cottontail!


Enjoy your week and whatever holiday(s) you and your loved ones observed! And next week I’m excited to see some of you LIVE in Minneapolis! Come join me:

Wednesday, April 24th
10:30 am Wee Wednesday with Miss Nina
Midtown Global Market
920 East Lake Street Minneapolis, MN, 55407


Miss Nina!

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