Happy Tuesday, my friends!
Last week was my 25th and final library performance of my 2018 Summer Tour! An INCREDIBLE SUMMER! So fantastic to Rap, Rock & Read with so many of you in person!
This whole summer has been a wild ride of shows * lots of travel – all while being a bit of a “long goodbye” to the East Coast.
We begin our road trip to Minneapolis this weekend (we’re moving – did you hear?!) and have had the best summer: extended visits with family and friends, lots of beach time and some much needed R&R.
Over the next few weeks we will be road tripping, unpacking and settling in to our new home (ok – so we’re renting and apartment for now while we look for our “forever home”, but you know what I mean!). I’ve got a lot of new and wonderful things coming your way in the Fall, but for these next couple of weeks you’ll be receiving some video “reruns”. But as we all know, our little ones thrive with repetition – so reruns are never a bad thing for toddlers and preschoolers!
So – here is this week I’m re-sharing a video I released last August, Sleeping Bunnies. The kids in my preschool classes – from the 2 year olds to the 5 year olds ALL loved this one. Lying down and pretending to be asleep, and then getting up and jumping is the type of activity they live for. So you might be hearing this one on repeat:
I’d love to see your kids in actions “sleeping” and hopping along! If you feel moved to, please share photos or videos over on my Facebook Page.
Enjoy the video and these last few weeks of summer!!! I’ll see you in your inbox next Tuesday.
Miss Nina