

This is a very special Miss Nina post and video, dedicated to my friend Samantha and her fight against Pediatric Cancer. 

And a SUPER FUN way you and your kids can help!

My friend Samantha battled Cancer when she was just two year old and was in remission by three!

Now she’s nearly six years old – and the cancer has come back.

Sammy was the impetus and inspiration for the Miss Nina Weekly Video Show. I’ll put that story below so you can learn how.

But just know that this girl loves music and recently has found complete joy from the Jimmy Fallon Lip Sync Battles, so she did her own to challenge him. Her friends and family have been sending their own back Lip Sync videos to her to lift her spirits.

In order to bring awareness to pediatric cancer her Aunts & Uncles started a Facebook Page called #SongsForSammy. Here’s what they have to say:

“Every lip sync video makes this beautiful and awesome little girl laugh uncontrollably and brightens her day as she conquers cancer. This is her second fight with leukemia so every video counts and we thank you. Tag #SongsForSammy in your lip sync video post and for every video posted we will donate to pediatric cancer research to help find a cure for Sammy and the other 175,000 kids diagnosed with pediatric cancer each year.

SO – have some fun and help Samantha and Pediactric Cancer Research! Grab your little one and make even just a silly 15 second Lip Sync video and post it to the Facebook Page SongsForSammy. Mine is above. 🙂

I met Samantha over 4 years ago when she was just two years old and had been recetnly diagnosed. Due to treamtment and her comprimised immune systerm, she could not leave the house to play with other children – so I had the priviige and honor of going to her home weekly to give a music class to her and her twin brother, Noah.

A that time, I’d been wanting to start a weekly video seires on YouTube & my website – but I was scared.

However, as Samantha sat in the oncology unit getting treatments she loved to watch videos – especialy of me and my pink guitar….and at that timet here was only one!

Apparently, she watched it on repeat for, like, 12 hours and her parents very charmingly came to me saying “pleeeeeease can you make some more videos with yoru pink guitar!” LOL! 

If little Sammy could be so brave and fight cancer with Grace at age two, I couldn’t be afraid of making a little video show, could I? Especially since the videos bring her such joy?! And so on January 3, 2011 I began The Miss Nina Weekly Video with Sammy as my insipiration.

You can see how all of this is connected – the very fact that you’re reading this email from me now is all because of sweet Samantha.

She’s about to start her second month of intense treatment and when I asked her mom if it was okay to share this via email and on my website she said, “yes! we want her to have tons of videos to watch!” So, thanks for making some videos for Samantha and for taking the time to read this!


Miss Nina

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