Hello there!
And yes, this song is This Song – and I’m repeating from this summer.
The reason for the repeat is two-fold.
First – OMG – I have a 2 and a half year old!
Okay – that’s not news. She’s been here for, well, over two and half years. 🙂 But good Lord, bedtime has become a marathon. Know what I’m talking about? PLEASE tell me you know what I’m talking about.
For years now, I’ve typically shot my weekly video at night. Pre-Piper I filmed after work, before bed at some point. Post-Piper I’d film after her bed time. And as a little baby she went to bed as early at 6 or 6:30. I had hours and eons to myself!
In the past year, sure, it’s gotten tougher. Bedtime has migrated later, life has gotten busy. But on the whole I continued with this method. But for the past, oh, 6 months or so, bedtime with Piper has become EPIC. Â One more drink of water, one more hug and kiss. Can I please change my pajamas? I want to sleep in the crib. Now the big girl bed. Now the crib…. oy!
So, yes, it’s time I find another time and location even to shoot my videos and get back on track for you.
The second reason I’m repeating this song is because it’s a song on the new album I’ve got just 18 DAYS LEFT OF THE INDIEGOGO CAMPAIGN! In this video, I changed all the links from the former (failed) Kickstarter to the new IndieGoGo campaign.  I’ve been playing it at concerts and parties for several months now and it’s always a hit!
Be sure and pre-buy your copy of the album over at IndieGoGo! If you know you’ll be buying it later, please buy it now and thereby help us get it made!
Here’s the link again for the IndieGoGo:
Enjoy the video! I had a blast making this one – I even harmonize with myself in it. 🙂
Have a wonderful week! Thank you so much for your support.