Double the fun today! TWO videos for you!!

First we’ve got a fun move-along song for this time of year, “Way Up High In The Apple Tree”.

To participate with very young children (6 – 12 months) you can do this one with your child on your lap: making your arms the branches of the tree with your fists as apples. Let your child be the tree trunk and give them a  a fun little shake when we sing “I shook that tree just as hard as I could”.

Children 12 months and older can stand up (or sit) and be their own apple tree. 🙂

And you can use your fists as apples, draw and cut out some paper apples or even use real ones if you feel like it! So here’s the first of two videos:

And next – I downloaded last week’s Facebook Live video and put it on youTube. We had so much fun! Originally I planned just two songs, and we threw in an extra one on the end. So if you click the photo video below you’ll see: Hurry, Hurry, Drive the Firetruck, Brining Home A Baby Bumblebee & Baby Shark!

But before you do that, don’t forget: if you wan to join us LIVE – we’ll be on my Facebook page today, Tuesday October 4th, at 4pm EDT for some live sing-along fun. Just go here:

Here’s last week’s for your viewing pleasure. 🙂

Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you on Facebook or in person soon!



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