Looking for a perfect Apple song to celebrate Fall with your preschool kid/children?
Well, I’ve got you covered!
Way Up High In The Apple Tree is a preschool and daycare favorite. Why? Well, so many reasons. First, it’s to the tune of Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star so it’s easy to learn. Also, it has simple but fun motions of putting our arms up like branches of a tree (our fists are the apples), shaking our whole body, and having the apples “tumble” down.
It also incorporates basic math – and you can adapt the song and make it a simple subtractions song by starting with 5 apples in your apple tree, eating one and then having 4 apples in your tree, and so on.
In my video version today, we focus on apple colors singing the whole thing three full times – first with our fists as red apples, yellow shakers as yellow apples and then actual green apples as green apples!
I also show you the option of using/making paper plate apple shakers! (I made the ones in this video for my online class, Tunes & Tales. We make a craft related to our story-of-the-week, every week, and then we use the craft in our two live music and movement classes on Zoom.)
I hope you find this one fun and useful! Again it’s great for in person, socially distanced classes or for online learning.
Enjoy and please share! Here’s the direct link for sharing: https://youtu.be/MsnOZpmIMY8