I AM SO EXCITED TO RE-RELEASE ONLINE PLAYSCHOOL!! Back in 2016 – before you ever knew you wanted anything like this (LOL!) I created ONLINE PLAYSCHOOL. At the time it was a course that I dripped out daily, over 5 weeks, where we explored Fall and it’s...
HELLO SONG (with names!) for Preschool

HELLO SONG (with names!) for Preschool

Happy August!! Some of us have already headed back to school; some of us still have a bit of summer ahead of us but are in our planning stages for the upcoming school year. So I thought it’s a great time to focus on some school-time songs like, a Hello Song!...
The Donut Shop Song | Summer Camp Song Fun

The Donut Shop Song | Summer Camp Song Fun

It’s the middle of the summer so I thought it was a great time for Summer Camp Songs!   I have a camp favorite of mine called The Donut Shop Song (also known as just The Doughnut Song) that I learned at day camp way back when I was going into 2nd Grade!!...
The Pirate Song!  Movement Song for Kids

The Pirate Song! Movement Song for Kids

A’HOY MATEY! Ready for some Pirate Song fun?     Well first, please let me apologize for this blog post going up on WEDNESDAY instead of TUESDAY!!     Last week we were on vacation – and although I intended to have something all set up...

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