Rain Songs for Preschool

Rain Songs for Preschool

I feel a little bit like a broken record talking about how crazy the weather is here – but it seems like this April the weather’s been a little nuts EVERYWHERE! But one this is for sure: the weather will change. Lol! And as they say “April Showers...


It’s always a good day for Frog Songs, amiright?!   I got knocked out by a really bad cold for the past five days or so –  and it fully disrupted by plans for filming and editing new episodes for you, I’m sad to say. But I’m finally...
Spring Counting Song | 5 Little Chickadees

Spring Counting Song | 5 Little Chickadees

I hope your week is off to a great start! This week I have for you a springtime counting song called 5 Little Chickadees.   Ok, so, it doesn’t have to be just for Spring – but because it’s about birds and because I am desperate for a Springtime...

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