by Miss Nina | Sep 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
HEY THERE! I hope you had a great week and are ready for some fun. We had a wonderful and weekend and have an exciting and eventful week ahead! But I gotta tell ya: between an awesome visit with some out-of-town family, the Labor Day Holiday, Rosh Hashana...
by Miss Nina | Aug 31, 2021 | Uncategorized
I HAVE TWO DAYS OF THE WEEK SONGS FOR YOU TODAY! But before we get to this week’s video of those Days Of The Week Song – I have to share that: REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR FALL! YES! I’m offering Online Music & Movement classes (via Zoom)...
by Miss Nina | Aug 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
WELCOME, WELCOME EVERYONE! That’s not only the song of our week – it’s my sentiment to all of you! Over the course of this year we’ve had many new friends join the Miss Nina email list and community from all around the Globe. In the last month...
by Miss Nina | Aug 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hiya friends! I’m still away on vacation – but I know that many of you are back to school or heading back shortly. So I wanted to provide you with- Everything You Need for Circle Time Success! Last summer I released a 4-part video series and so today...
by Miss Nina | Aug 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
ROAD TRIP ANYONE?! Well friends, we can go on one today without leaving our homes with my song Riding In My Car! It;s another NEW Miss Nina Music Video! I wrote this song several years ago, and released on my album Sha Doo Be Doop back in 2013. When I wrote it, I was...
by Miss Nina | Jul 27, 2021 | Uncategorized
HELLO! HELLO! I am actually on a much anticipated vacation for the next few weeks, but I’m taking advantage of the wonders of technology and automation to the weekly emails and videos to you! Fingers crossed it all works out! And although I am on my official...