Episodes of the Miss Nina weekly video show!
On this blog you’ll also be treated to exclusive commentary from miss nina on how to incoroporate these songs and activities into your home, classroom, story time and life:
National Reading Month + Sing with Suzi!
Hello friends! I'm super excited about National Reading Month AND to be a guest on SING WITH SUZI tomorrow! Tune in tomorrow - that's Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 at 4 pm Eastern / 3 pm Central / 2 pm Mountain and 1 pm Pacific! Just head to Suzi Shelton's Facebook Page...
TOOTY – TA! Silly Movement Song for Kids
TOOTY TA! A silly movement song for kids - and just what the doctor ordered. : ) = I am a bag of mixed feelings as this month starts. Its Women's History month, and March starts off with Dr. Seuss's Birthday - many schools and libraries focus on Dr. Seuss's Birthday,...
ICKY STICKY BUBBLE GUM – Silly Song for Kids, Preschoolers & Toddlers
ICKY STICKY BUBBLE GUM!! Today I've got this super silly movement song, Icky Sticky Bubble Gum, that's perfect for kids, preschoolers and toddlers! But before we jump to it.... I want to let you know that I've opened up a *NEW* online class on Thursday afternoons -...
TEDDY BEAR, TEDDY BEAR TURN AROUND | Music and Movement for Preschool
BRRRRRR!! IT'S COLD OUT THERE! LET'S WARM UP WITH TEDDY BEAR! Holy cow - it's cold EVERYWHERE!! I'm writing to you from -20 degrees in MN. It's so cold, in fact, that somehow it is affecting the internet/my internet connection! You are receiving this email a few...
COLORS OF YOU | Love Song for Kids – Color Idioms
I am SUPER DUPER EXCITED about! THIS WEEK'S VIDEO: COLORS OF YOU - A Love Song for Kids (Color Idioms) Before we get to it I just want to say YAY!! We had our first, awesome Fri-YAY on Facebook last week and it was FUN!! Thanks for tuning in! We'll be doing it every...
THIS JAZZ MAN | Book Song For Kids | Black History Month
THIS JAZZ MAN, Fri-YAYs on Facebook....I'VE GOT SO MANY THNGS FOR YOU TODAY! Be sure and read through this email so you can find out about: This week's video - great for Black History Month & anytime *NEW* Fri-YAYs on Facebook in February The Survey Miss Nina on...