by Miss Nina | Nov 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
IT’S HARD TO BELIVE BUT…..IT’S TIME FOR THANKSGIVING SONGS! I”ll be honest – I find November a little hard to lesson plan for. We wrap up Halloween, flip the calendar from October to November, and it just seems too early to launch right...
by Miss Nina | Nov 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
NEED TO GET THE WIGGLES OUT? I’VE GOT JUST THE SONG FOR YOU! Hello friend! So, under the most normal of circumstances, kids sometimes have extra energy that they just need to burn off. We all know this. It’s why “Brain Breaks” – little...
by Miss Nina | Oct 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
IT’S HALLOWEEN WEEK – so time for a Halloween Witch Song! This will not be the usual Halloween this year for many of us…..but we’re still gonna celebrate as best as we can. Right? Years ago, when I was teaching in a preschool in NYC,...
by Miss Nina | Oct 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Well I meant to get this one out to you back in September….but really, any time of year is good for a “new” ABC song, right?! I put the word new in quotations because this song of mine, New Alphabet, is actually a wee bit old. LOL! It came out in...
by Miss Nina | Oct 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
Well, we are nearly half way through October already – wow! time for. Pumpkin Chant! As the leaves turn color and fall off the trees my attention has turned to all things PUMPKIN! Pumpkin picking, pumpkin pie, pumpkin lattes and: Pumpkin Poems and Rhymes! Today...
by Miss Nina | Oct 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
HAPPY OCTOBER! It’s October! And that means we start thinking and talking and singing and reading about all things Pumpkin and Halloween related – so it’s time for 5 Little Pumpkins! If you’ve followed me for a while you’ll know...