Episodes of the Miss Nina weekly video show!
On this blog you’ll also be treated to exclusive commentary from miss nina on how to incoroporate these songs and activities into your home, classroom, story time and life:
OCTOBER MEANS PUMPKINS AND PRESCHOOL HALLOWEEN SONGS! So, as I perused the internet this week and the various preschool and early childhood Facebook groups I'm a part of - I was seeing that many of you were having the same issue I was having last week wondering about...
IT'S PUMPKIN SONG TIME! It's October and therefore it's Pumpkin Season! (I know, a lot of you start in on all things Pumpkin in September but I hold out until October - LOL!) So - time for Pumpkin songs, pumpkin activities and Halloween stuff! But, as you'll hear me...
Time for more Fall Fun! The leaves have started changing colors here in Minnesota, and just beginning to fall from the trees. I found some on my walk that were perfect to use in this week's preschool Fall Song video: AUTUMN LEAVES ARE FALLING DOWN! This is a very...
Fall Song for Preschoolers | Grey Squirrel
Tomorrow is the First Day of Autumn (here in the northern hemisphere!) so it's time for a Fall Song! Last week we had an Apple focus with Farmer Brown Had 5 Red Apples - and although in the Fall we focus on leaves and pumpkins, too, it seems a smidge early for...
Apple Song For Kids | Farmer Brown Had 5 Red Apples
I'm excited to have a brand new video for you today with my most special guest - Piper!! Piper joins me in this fun-for-Fall apple song called FARMER BROWN HAD FIVE RED APPLES. BUT - before we get to it, just a reminder that: MISS NINA ONLINE MUSIC & MOVEMENT...
ABCs Song: New Alphabet + My Freeze Dance!
HEY THERE! I hope you had a great week and are ready for some fun. We had a wonderful and weekend and have an exciting and eventful week ahead! But I gotta tell ya: between an awesome visit with some out-of-town family, the Labor Day Holiday, Rosh Hashana...